17 04, 2022

You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be

By |April 17th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be

Right here. Right now. You are exactly where you need to be. Life has a divine way of putting you where you need to be. There is a plan for you that you are working towards, whether you accept it or not. I know this is out there, especially if you are not a religious or spiritual person. The fact that you are not in control, you are just a little puppet on a grandeur plan that we can ever comprehend, is a tough pill to swallow. This was difficult for me to understand for a long time. But once you can gain this understanding, and just work through the life where you are at, and being able to take a step back and say "In this moment, I am exactly where I need to be", your life will soar. You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be Don't get me wrong. Life hits like a

24 01, 2022

Move Forward In Life

By |January 24th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Move Forward In Life

Life is constantly in a state of movement. You are either progressing or regressing. Nothing stands still. Albeit the change could be small in either direction, there is never a moment that you do not move forward or backward in your life - ever. Black and White. Up or down. Left or Right. Good or bad. Positive or negative. Forward or backward. That is just how the world works. Here is the great news though: YOU have the power to decide if it is forward or backward. Look - sh*tty things happen in life. Trust me - I get that. And it can send you down the spiral of despair very easily. But to get up from that - to realize that things that happen are just things that happen - and you can move forward on them - is a powerful mind shift. To be able to look at traumatic events, events that

17 07, 2019

Your Life Vision

By |July 17th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Your Life Vision

Tough weekend it was... I recently took a long weekend with my family to go camping. It was a wonderful weekend of family, friends, and fun. I woke up on Monday morning, packed up, and went for a nice little walk in the beautiful surroundings while my kids went and played at the park one last time. And I had a moment of clarity that was beautiful. There I was, walking in the beautiful mountain sunshine, a cup of coffee in the hand, breathing the fresh air - realizing that this has always been part of my vision. Monday morning, not a care in the world. Now - there is more to my vision that I am working toward, but this was a big piece. Even years ago when I create this vision, and I had no actual idea on how to get there, I believed in my vision, trusted the process,


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